Friday, October 8, 2010

Came back from Honeymoon Trip

Just came back from Honeymoon Trip...  back to work...
When I am walking, I still feel that I am walking on the ship...  ;-)

I'll start to chase everyone for photos and videos of the wedding day...  hahahahaha... :P

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Now that wedding is over... :)
I'll keep all my wedding related things in this blog.
Other things (including Grandma's situation) will be moved back to my own blog:
Ada's Blue Sky

How to upload photos...

I am going to show you how to upload photos to

Step 1:
Go to

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Got married...

After a long time of planning, the wedding day is over...  I am now married...  :)

Thanks God for a smooth wedding!
We had good weather...   Even though the weather network predicted rain, it was only cloudy...
Everything else went 90% according to plan... :D

Thank you so much for coming to my wedding!! 
I may not get a chance to talk to each one of you personally yesterday...
I had a tight schedule...  :P

I also want to thanks all the helpers!!
Without all of you, my wedding won't be so wonderful!  :D

I'll be going to my honeymoon soon, so I may not have time to update this blog...
Please stay tune...
I am planning to put my behind the scene things for my wedding...  I didn't want to put here earlier to spoil the surprise...   Just like concert DVDs, there is a behind the scene section... coming soon...  ;)

If you have taken photos in my wedding, can you please share the photos with me?  :D
Please upload your photos here:

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wedding Day!!!!!

Today is the wedding day!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

1 day to My Wedding

1 day left...

Since it's night time already, there is less than 1 day now... hahaha... :D
I need to sleep early tonight...  I need to be at the wedding studio for makeup at 5am!!!  :(
I am afraid that I'll over slept...
Things are basically 95% done...  I hope I won't have a problem sleeping tonight...

According to the Weather Network, tomorrow afternoon will have isolated showers.  Hopefully, there will be no rain in areas where I am going tomorrow...   Please pray for good weather!  :D

Please also pray for my wedding so everything will go smoothly tomorrow!  :)

As for my grandma, her condition has gotten worse. 
She has a roughly 3cm blood spot in her brain...  The spot has increased...
Doctor also tells us that there is massive blood clot in her heart...  The blood clot could travel to her brain...  :'(
All I am hearing from doctors are bad news...   I want to hear some good news...  It would be nice to hear from them that her condition is stable or getting better... 
I am not going to lose my hope yet....  I'll keep praying to God...
Please pray for my Grandma's health!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

2 days to My Wedding

2 days left....

Today is a busy day... Facial... Picking up dresses from wedding studio... etc.
Also, we have the church wedding rehearsal at 8pm.
I hope I'll still remember all the steps on my wedding day... hahahaha... :D

Tomorrow is the last day before my wedding.... Still a lot of little things to be done...  

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

3 days to My Wedding

3 days left...

Today is the last day of work before wedding...  I'll be starting my vacation tomorrow...  :)

My co-workers held a surprised party for me.
Thank you so much! :)
After a meeting, I went with Linda to Tim Horton for a coffee....  When I came back to my cubicle, I saw a big cake with everyone there...   :D   It was a real surprise... I didn't expect that...

Thank you everyone for organizing this!  :)

At night, I went with Wen to check out the sound system at the restaurant.  Everything is ok! :)

Grandma's condition hasn't improved.  She is still unstable.  :(
According to CAT scan, doctor told us that there are 2 spots of blood in her right brain.  The bigger spot is 1-1.3cm in size.
Speech pathologist has assessed Grandma again.  She still cannot swallow food, so doctor has put a nasogastric tube in her nose to give her food.  I know it's uncomfortable for her.
When I visited her at night, she was kind of awake in between sleeps and tried to pull the tube out.  Man Fu and I had to stop her.
According to doctor, if Grandma's condition is not stable in next 10 days, there is a chance that she might have another stroke.

I know a lot of people have been praying for my Grandma.
Thank you very much!
Please continue to pray for her!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

4 days to My Wedding

4 days left...

Forced myself to focus back on wedding...
Wedding studio called today... I need to change my makeup time to 5am on Saturday morning... 2 hrs less sleep for me.... woo woo woo...  :( 
Why people have to change things last minute? 
People keep reminding me that I won't be able to sleep Friday night due to all the excitements on Saturday...  Well...  I guess 2 hrs less sleep doesn't matter...   even though I don't think I'll have problem sleeping...  :P

Monday, September 13, 2010

5 days to My Wedding

5 days left...

According to the doctors, damage has been done to Grandma...  :'(
Why?  Why?  Why?
This is the question I keep asking God when I am driving home from hospital...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

6 days to My Wedding

6 Days left...

During worship today, Pastor Yung and everyone prayed for my grandma.
It's in God's hand now.
All we can do is keep praying...

Wen has done more wedding stuff than me in the last 2 days...  :D

We are working on seating charts...
Some people cannot come last minute...  We're adjusting it again....  putting more people in each table...
Need to finalize that soon...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

7 days to My Wedding

7 days left...

Doctors have confirmed that there is a blood clot at the back of grandma's head above her neck.  They cannot give her strong blood thinner until her situation is stabilized.  She seems to be a bit better today, but doctors said she could get better or worse in next 2 days...
We didn't tell her about the stroke... just told her that her nervous system was impacted by the fall...
I feel helpless since there is nothing we can do about her situation...   All I can do is pray to God...  asking God to let me see a miracle...

If you are reading this blog, please pray for her health and full recovery!!

I wish wedding is like projects at work... can be delayed...
On the other hand, when was the last time any of my projects got delayed?   Not that I can think of...  At least those delays were not caused by me or my team...

It's really hard to switch my mind back to the wedding stuff...
So much things still need to be done...  and this is the last weekend before the wedding....
Well... better do more things tomorrow before the weekend is over...
There are still a lot of items on my weekend To Do list...

I did do 2 things today:
  • final fitting for my wedding dress and night dress
  • working with Kelvin to print the wedding bulletin...  He is still printing them out for me at this time...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Grandma in hospital

My grandma is currently in Scarborough Grace Hospital.
She was out of breath and felt weak this morning, so her friends called ambulance.
She was still good when she arrived at the hospital, but her condition has gotten worse in the afternoon.
Nurse suspects that she has a stroke.  The blood clot has traveled from her body into her right brain.   That's why her left body is weak and barely movable. 
Since it's Friday afternoon, there is no doctor to look at the CAT scan.  We don't know what is really going on and how serious is her condition.

I just came back from hospital.  Felix is staying with her overnight.  Mom, aunts, and uncle, etc. will be taking shifts staying with grandma in hospital.

If you are reading this blog, please pray for her health and full recovery!!   

Mattress has finally arrived!

Hahahaha....  Our new king size mattress & box have finally arrived!
It looks big in my little condo bedroom...  :P

Enjoy a mattress comic from xkcd:

8 days to My Wedding

8 days left...

Working from home today...  waiting patiently for my new mattress & box...
Tick tick tick.... Deadline is close!   Hopefully, it'll come on time...
I already had to reschedule it once.  It was supposed to come last Friday.
Last Friday, Sears used a lame excuse of truck broke down...   Sears is a big company... I don't think Sears only has ONE truck doing delivery...
I don't want to reschedule again since there is no time.
If it doesn't come today, I am going to be very very mad at Sears...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

9 days to My Wedding

9 days left...

Crazily busy at work....  Crazily busy after work doing wedding stuff...
Can't wait until the wedding is over....  ;-)

Time..... I want more hours in a day...   72 hours a day would be nice....  :P
The coming weekend will the last weekend before wedding.... 
Still need to shop shop shop...  :D

I guess my hope of finishing everything 1 week before wedding is not achievable...  :(

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

10 Days to My Wedding


Only 10 days left....
Excited.... Nervous....  Stressed....
So much still need to be done... So little time... :(
A lot of things need to be finalized....

The final version of bulletin is done.... 
It's a bit different from the normal church wedding bulletin... ;-)
Still need to print it....   and fold it....

I've tested the wedding powerpoint slides at church on Sunday...
Looking at the slides from computer monitor and projector are different....   So, I'll need to change the colours in the slides...   very time consuming....

The church decoration preparation work is 95% done....  We spent 2 days working on that....    Thanks a lot to Loretta, Teresa, and Belle!!   :D

We are still having a lot of headache with the wedding day rundown...
Still need to work on dinner reception seating....
Smoke is coming out from our head... hahahaha....  :P

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wedding slides and program

I used to tell people that I am working 2 full-time jobs.  One is real work during the day.  The other one is doing wedding stuff during the night.
Now... As my wedding approaches... I feel like working 3 full-time jobs....  2 jobs for wedding stuff... :P   hahahaha... :D

Well... let see what I have done recently....

I've handed out most of the Church invitations to coworkers last Thursday. :D  Some coworkers are on vacation.   I have also made them a special gift. :)  I'll share the photos here later...

I've complete version 3 for wedding song slides...   I am still waiting for updates from singing team, but it's pretty much done...  It's 90% done...

I've complete version 3 for wedding program last night...  Need to do some more minor adjustments and also waiting for singing team...   It's 85% done...   I've changed it a lot since my original version 1,  which was done like 6 months ago...  The layout is similar... but...  Art is something that takes a lot of time...   I've to try out different background, fonts, etc...   It's so time consuming! 
Version 2 was reviewed yesterday by Wen and Jennifer.  I've basically made different looks of the same page for them to give opinions.
Thanks Jennifer for your opinions!  ;-)  
It'll be a surprise until wedding day...   May be I'll post it here after my wedding...

Wen is working on putting more details on the rundown...
Hopefully, it'll be 80-90% done this week...

Google docs is a wonderful tool!
I can easily share documents and it's free!!  :D
Everyone getting married should get a google docs account...   Well, as long as you have gmail account, you'll have google docs... ;-)

Friday, August 20, 2010

婚姻! 分因!

Today a friend sent me an email that's worth reading...
Not sure who is the originator... but it's good...
Something for all of us to think about...

婚姻!  分因!

她總是在清晨五時起床,煮一鍋熱騰騰的稀 飯給父親吃,
然後,還要煮一鍋乾飯給孩子吃,因為孩子正在發 育,
每個星期,母親會把榻榻米搬出去曬,曬出暖暖的 太陽香。
我們家的鍋子每一個都可以當鏡子用, 完全沒有一點污垢。
晚上,她努力蹲在地上擦地板,一寸一寸仔細地擦 拭,
家裡的地板比別人家的床頭還乾淨,打著赤腳也找 不到一絲灰塵。
我母親是 個認真辛勞的好女人
父親不只一次地表示他在婚姻中的孤單,不被瞭 解。
暑假還 安排功課表,安排孩子們的作息,
只是,在我母親的眼中他也不是一 個好伴侶
我經常看到母親在院子的角落中,暗暗無聲地掉 淚。
父親 用語言母親用行動
成長的過程中,我看到、也聽到父親與母親在婚姻 中的無奈,
也看到、感受到他們是如此好的男人與女人, 他們值得一椿好婚姻。
而我,也一直在困惑中成 長,
我長大後,進入婚 姻,漸漸了解這個問題的答案。
在婚姻的初期,我就 像母親一樣,
我心中想,大概是地 板不夠乾淨,飯菜燒得不夠好,
直到有一天,我正忙 著擦地板時,
我不悅地說﹕ 「沒 看到還有一大半的地方沒有擦﹗
這句話一說出口,我 呆住了,好熟悉的一句話
在我父親母親的婚姻 中,母親也經常這樣對父親說
我正在重演父 母親的婚姻,也重複他們在婚姻中的不快樂。
有一些領悟出 現在我的心中。
看著先生,想到我父 親.....
我的婚姻好像也在走 向同一個故事
「兩個好人卻沒有好 婚姻。」
我的領悟使我做了不 一樣的選擇。
停下手邊的工作,坐 到先生的身邊,陪他聽音樂,
遠遠地看著地上擦地 板的抹布,像是看著母親的命運。
以後幫妳請個傭人, 妳就可以陪我了 ﹗」先生說。
有人煮飯給你吃, 有人為你洗衣服.....
我一口氣說了一串應 該是他需要的事。
那些都是次要的 呀﹗」 先生說。「我最希望妳陪陪我。」
原來我作了許多白 工,這個結果實在令我大吃一驚。
我們都用 自己的方式在愛對方而不是對方的方式
幸福 的路徑
他也列了 一張我的需求表,放 在他的書桌前。
洋洋灑灑十幾項的需 求,
像是有空陪對方聽音 樂、有機會抱抱對方、每天早上kiss拜拜。
有些項目比較容易做 到,有些項目比較難,
如果我給他建議,他 說他會覺得自己像笨蛋。
我想,這真是男人的 面子問題。
我也學著不給建議, 除非他 問我,
否則我就只是傾聽, 順服到底,連走錯路時也一樣。
這對我實在是一條不 容易學習的路,不過,比擦地板要輕鬆多了,
我們在需求的滿足中婚姻也愈來愈有活 力
在我累的時候,我就 選擇一些容易的項目做,
像是「放一首放鬆音 樂」,
自己有力氣的時候就 規劃「一次外地旅遊」這樣的事情。
有趣的是,「到植物 園散步」是我們的共同項 目共同需求
每次婚姻有爭吵, 去到植物園,總能安慰彼此的心靈。
其實,這也可想而 知,原本我們就是為對植物園的喜愛而相知相惜
一起走入婚姻,回到 園子就會回到多 年前彼此相愛的心情
兩個好 人終於走上幸福之路
現在,我也知道父母 親的婚姻為何無法幸福,
自己 累得半死對方還感受不到
最後面對婚姻的期 待,也就灰心而 死了。
既然上帝創造婚姻, 我想,每個人都值得擁有一個好婚姻,
只要方法 用對對方要的而非自己想給的
好婚姻,絕對是可預 期的